
How can we help?

We work with all types of businesses both local and internationally

Reduce your workers compensation cost
  • No Audits
  • No Deposits
  • Competetive Rates
  • Large Group
  • Up to 25% premium reimbursement through safety incentive with select programs
Reduce your benefits cost
  • Better plan designs and options
  • Competitive Rates
  • Streamline Enrollment and Administration
  • Recruit and Retain Top Talent
  • Experience lower than average renewals
Grow your business
  • Tools to help you manage your employees from anywhere
  • Spend more time doing the things you love in your business
  • Protect your business from employee litigation and compliance issues
  • Onboard new employees with ease
Have peace of mind
  • Transparent review of all options available
  • Always get the best rates possible
  • Additional ABP safety services
  • Work with an agency that understands your business and can make recommendations as needs change.

Why Work With Us?

We have over a decade of experience working in the PEO industry and can provide valuable insight into pricing structures, technology platforms, benefits and insurance programs, service models, and much more. Hiring us will give you peace of mind that you have evaluated all the best options and you are getting the best rates possible. Affiliated Business Partners also provides additional Safety and Risk Management resources free of charge just for being a client.

Michael Wilkerson


The ABP Promise

We promise to always present the options that best align with your business goals.

We promise to hold ourselves and our partners accountable at all times.

We promise to always be available when you need us.

We promise to proactively consult with you.

We promise to always focus on what matters most to your business.

We promise to always deliver on our promises.

Download our Safety program brochure

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Have Questions?

Let us know how we can help your business or just reach out to connect. We would like to get to know you!

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